21 Mindfulness Practices
for Those Touched by Cancer

by Marian Vallotton

Marian's Story

"Cancer can take your breath away ‒ mindfulness & meditation can bring it back."

Inspired by Tari Prinster
Founder, Y4C - Leader in Oncology Yoga​

As a 4x Cancer Survivor, I felt like I was drowning & sometimes I still do. I’ve been battling cancer over a lifetime‒ all starting when I was 18.

Now, much later in life as an empty nester, I have the desire & need to support other cancer patients, their caregivers, family members & friends who may be hurting, too.

At my worst, I searched for books & resources to take the edge off with little luck. In my book, Unraveling Fate, I have done just that. From my heart, I’ve compiled the stories, guides & practices for anyone who is in search of a bit of peace.

Know this… cancer has not been a complete disaster. In fact, it has opened my eyes to a world of possibilities & my purpose.

My hope is to share coping strategies, provide some calm & possibly help you find a little bit of wonder along the way.

It’s astonishing the contentment you can find with mindfulness!

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photos of Marian with her husband throughout her journey

About the Book

and living with cancer

This book is an open share of my saga. AND… I feel vulnerable, but it’s not going to stop me. I am driven to share my experience with others who can relate to the trauma that comes with cancer & who, more than likely, are seeking a little peace.

I like to put it simply, “I’ve had the gift of cancer every decade” since I was just 18. Now as an empty nester, as crazy as it sounds, it has been nothing short of a miracle, because now I see & know my life’s purpose.

That isto offer loving support to others experiencing cancer, too. This is to help cancer patients, their caregivers, friends, and family who all may be struggling to find the grit, hope & self-compassion needed to endure.

I offer to you my experiences, mindfulness practices & lessons learned in Unraveling Fate.

Included in my book is:

  • My story… a bit of a memoir
  • Lessons I’ve learned over four decades
  • 21 mindfulness practices for coping & calming
  • A place to write down your reflections around your experience
  • A common ground to lean into & maybe think
  • “Me too, yes, it is something like that, or I can relate.”

25% of proceeds go to Cancer Support Community

Gifts For You!

branch 2 flipped

- 2 Gifts for You -
Chapter 1 & Recorded Mindfulness Practice

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Words of Praise

Unraveling Fate is a book full of hope & inspiration in the face of the most dire circumstances. As a breast cancer survivor myself, I found its lesson in mindfulness crucial in giving me simple ways to get through the toughest days, both during and after my treatment. This book will leave you inspired, stronger, and ready to face the storm that a cancer diagnosis creates.”

Kamila Jodzio

Kamila Jodzio
Cancer Survivor
Kamila Jodzio Design

Unraveling Fate is a book written with love. Marian shares her story with vulnerability and her mindfulness practice with authenticity. Her “21 Mindfulness Practices for Those Touched by Cancer” are helpful tools for slowing down in those moments when it all gets overwhelming. For those of us who’ve been touched by cancer, this book inspires hope for the heart & peace for the soul.”

Cecilia Chang

Cecilia Chang
Cancer Survivor

“This book is a true gift for our souls. Marian leads her readers into the honest depths of her experiences with cancer & she provides a much needed road map for finding balance, inner peace & radical acceptance. The mindfulness practices shared are easily accessible & relatable for anyone touched by life-changing illness. Marian’s wisdom brings clarity to the gifts of being in a human body that is not meant to last forever, and to the precious power of being aware and fully alive in each moment.”

Mindy Drosner

Mindy Drossner
(Certified End of Life Doula)


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“As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.”
Maya Angelou

Unraveling Fate - 2023

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